
I have personally helped over 4,000 families over the Internet during the last 11 years - unlimited help, extending to subsequent children in many families. All for the price of a video.

Dr. Hull,

My husband and I want to thank you so much for the dvd, Night Night, and all of your email advice. We finished the sleep training with our 6 month old earlier this week and for the first time in 6 long months we have been having wonderul FULL nights of sleep! I seriously didn't "really" believe that this would work because we have such a persistent, strong willed little boy, but you really know your stuff and it was proven once again with our little boy. We never had to let him "cry it out" and I'm very thankful for that.

Thank you once again.

A VERY happy mom,
Erin H.

Dear Dr. Hull,

I can't begin to say thank you for all you have done to help our family over the years. A neighbor recommended your video to us almost three years ago when I had my first baby. He was only two months old at the time and I needed some sleeping guidance. While my pediatrician was knowledgeable about medical issues, she honestly had no advice on sleeping. When my neighbor mentioned your unlimited email help, I was sold!! I bought the video immediately. I couldn't believe it...a pediatrician who would offer unlimited email help. You would NEVER find that level of support anywhere. It was the best $20 I ever spent. Everything you said on the video made perfect sense. It was logical and easy advice to follow. I emailed you more times than I care to mention and it was amazing how promptly you returned each email, weekends and late at night. I certainly never expected that and still cannot believe how dedicated you are to truly helping parents and children with sleep issues. I must say that my husband and I view you as our "expert" on sleeping. I trust your advice completely and you are ALWAYS right!! I feel so secure knowing that a pediatrician with years and years of experience is helping me work out my sleep issues. Now, here we are, three years later, and with five month old twins. Again, I bought your new DVD, which was fabulous, and have emailed you countless times about the twins. The DVD contained so much new practical, helpful information, even information about what kinds of bottles and nipples to use. When do you ever get that kind of advice? Something as simple as loosening the cap on my babies' bottles drastically reduced their gas. That little tidbit made a huge difference in our lives. I could go on and on about how you have helped our family to be a well-rested, family. My two year-old has been an amazing sleeper since three months of age and I honestly owe it all to you. The twins are well on their way. I talk to so many moms with sleep issues and just tell them, "Just get the video, watch it, follow the advice, and email Dr. Hull with questions. Your sleep issues will be resolved." I am one of your biggest fans!!! Thank you for everything.


J. and C. B.
N., A. and E. (the three little B.'s) thank you too!

p.s. I told my pediatrician all about you. I told her to recommend you to any parents with sleep problems!

I have been meaning to write you for some time about our daughter Haley. You had been helping us when she was around 1 year. I wanted you to know that Haley is sleeping wonderfully now and has been for about 3 months now. She is 18 months and we couldn't be more grateful to finally be getting some sleep and just some down time in the evening. She is going down easily around 8:00 - 8:30 and sleeps about 11 hours without waking. We want you to know that we couldn't have done this without you. I truly believe that your sleep system and your email help was the key! We have had a few weeks while teething where her sleep was interrupted, but she always returns to the normal sleep pattern once the teeth are through. Thank you so much for being there and we will keep you in mind for all of our friends and family, as well as for future children!

Thank you,
Jennifer M.

We want to thank you, Dr. Hull for giving us back control of our nights! Your Night, Night! dvd saved us from a continuing pattern of sleepless nights. We purchased your dvd because we had been co-sleeping with our 18 month old for over a year and did not know how to transition her to her own room. We knew we had to do it, because her sleep patterns were getting worse with wakening in the night and disrupting everyone's sleep, but we didn't want to just put her in her crib to "cry it out" as others recommended.

Your Assisted Sleep Adjustment training showed us how to teach our little girl to put herself to sleep in her own bed and how to soothe herself back to sleep when she awakens in the night - all this with very little crying!

We are so grateful to you for giving us the tools needed to make this transition. But, as invaluable as the informationon the dvd is, itwas your personal attention via email that made us feel we were not alone. Each time we emailed you with specific questions regarding our own personal situation, you quickly replied with helpful advice and encouragment - a service we could not get anywhere else, and well worth any money paid for the dvd!

We will recommend your dvd to all our friends! We have already let our pediatrician know how quickly your dvd helped us and he says he is ordering your dvd, as well.

Thank you, again, Dr. Hull for putting together the information in your dvd and sharing it with parents like us. Our whole family dynamic is running smoother for it!

Dana and Dean C.

When my son, Wyatt, was nine months old my sister bought me Dr. Hull's video because he woke me up five to seven times a night and couldn't get himself back to sleep.

After contacting Dr. Hull via e-mail he reinforced the need for the invaluable bedtime routine. I set it into motion and added music to it. It worked like a charm. While we don't have to stick to the exact routine anymore, we stick to his bedtime religiously. Wyatt has been the best sleeper of all his friends ever since.

I watched the video again and made notes while I was pregnant with my second son, Lincoln, who is now two months old. I am confident that he will also be a super sleeper like his older brother and I will rest easy too.

The video provides common sense solutions and additional education on how humans sleep which has made all the difference. The e-mail contact with Dr. Hull is extremely helpful and always puts me back on track when I am at my wits end. I have read and re-read three different child care books on how to put your child to bed looking for the answer for me and my sons. The answer never seems to be there but Dr. Hull's prompt personal attention always comes through.


At 4 months old, my daughter was still not sleeping through the night. Her naps were very short and sporadic - there was nothing consistent I could count on. She was addicted to her pacifier which made night sleeping all the worse...any time she woke up with the pacifier not in her mouth - she'd cry until we got up and popped it back in. She would wake up no less than 2 times a night, but more often it was up to four times. I was getting desperate and I bought several books regarding baby sleep training. With what little energy I had left each night...I'd plow through book after book trying to figure out how to get my little girl to get to sleep without me having to be there, but more importantly, to stay asleep. There was incremental changes we made based on these tips plus tips from my pediatrician.

I felt like I was close to "losing it" when I came upon Dr. Hull's site. At first, it just seemed like all the other "how to get your baby to sleep sites" but the 2 things that caught my eye were 1) no tears method 2) the live support that came with the video purchase. I hadn't seen an offer like #2 before...so I decided to do it.

Within the next couple of weeks - after watching the video and emailing Dr. Hull (yes he DOES answer your emails and PROMPTLY), our daughter was sleeping through the night. By month 5 - she was sleeping on average of 11 straight hours AND she now takes 2 naps a day no less than 1 hour each. She has a beautiful schedule and she's a very well-rested, happy baby. And I am (gratefully) a well-rested happy mother.

Thank you, Dr. Hull. I can't say enough about the personal attention you gave me via email. We did what you said. And it worked!!

A happy mother in Santa Clara, CA

Dear Dr. Hull,

I just wanted to thank you for your advice and also for getting back to me so quickly. If only more doctors had your dedication, things would be much nicer!

P's sleeping is still a work in progress, but we are doing better.

Thanks again,
M. C.

Dr. Hull,

I wanted to thank you for your timely and efficient advice regarding naps for our twins. The past several weeks we have aimed to feed the girls before naps and establish two main napping times (one in the morning and one in the afternoon). It is almost as if a miracle has taken place. Both our girls are taking two naps every day for 1 to 2 hours. The best part is when we put them down, they do not cry anymore. Instead, they make happy noises until they fall asleep and then when they wake up, they typically make those same noises.

Thanks again and Happy New Year,


Thank you Dr. Hull! Last night (night 10) Ella fell asleep in 7 minutes! With very little crying!! She woke 3 times in the night but cried out for only a minute or so and settled herself down. If you had told me 2 weeks ago that she would have already had 4 nights of 12 hour sleep and gone to sleep so quickly I would not have believed it.

Thanks again,

Erica B.

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