Let's face it: there are numerous resources for parents who want better sleep habits for their children. Everyone makes the same claims: good sleep, no stress, etc. You may have tried a few (or many) off the available books and videos already. Why didn't they work for you?

In some cases, it was because the resource in question was written by an "amateur" in the field. Two very popular books were written by a pastor and a nanny, respectively. As you will learn from the extensive material on the video, there are important developmental and even medical issues concerning childhood sleep that are simply ignored by most authors, because they are not aware of them. These issues explain many of the problems you may have encountered trying to put other methods into practice.

In many instances, your difficulties stem from the fact that no book or video can be exactly about your family's situation. You may misinterpret the advice, or your problems may actually lie with some other factor than what you think. In these cases, having someone to consult for questions or problems is invaluable. Do you know of any other resource - book or video - for which the author offers personal help?

In fact, it is your questions that made this video possible. The chapters cover the issues I have dealt with daily for many years - these are the answers that parents need in real life. I mean for this video to be a resource for you now and in the future.

I am a pro. I have 30 years of experience in the field, and I have personally worked with thousands of parents both in my busy pediatric practice and over the Internet during the 16 years of distribution of my two videos. And I offer one thing no one else can match: I stand behind my videos 100% - as I always have. If you have questions, you can e-mail me directly. I have helped thousands - I will help you.

Video chapters

Disc One - Preventing problems

Introduction: Problems and the sensible way to prevent them

Understanding your baby's natural cycles - the key to success

Sleeping through the night - by 3 to 4 months, guaranteed

Teaching independent sleep - necessary, easy, and tear-free

How to adjust bedtimes - simply and without any struggle

Milestones month-by-month - what you should expect of your baby

Illness, travel, and emergencies - staying on track during disruptions

Twins and multiples - "life-saving" information

Miscellaneous issues - swings, swaddling, and bottle tips

Disc Two - Problem solutions

Introduction - honest discussion of problems

Night crying in the 6 month and older child - overview

Assisted adjustment sleep training step-by-step - the gradual separation method, taught by its leading practitioner

Retraining older toddlers and preschoolers - special approaches necessary

Meltdowns and relapses - 911 for childhood sleep

The Hall Pass technique for older children - pre-K and older

Air travel and time changes - easy, sensible adjustments

Sleeping arrangements for travel - compromises to make, pitfalls to avoid

Weaning from the pacifier without tears - step by step

Adoption - good sleep habits mean security for your adopted child

Healthy pre-term and premature babies - making sensible adjustments

Night terrors and related sleep disturbances - things that go bump in the night

You can E-Mail Dr. Hull jwhull@drhull.com or visit his practice home page.

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